Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Large-Hearted Boy, Part Four

Selden turned to his companion, a student in his last year at the school who had only to pass his exams. After this, the Nine would likely encourage the young man toward the priesthood. He was modest and unselfish, bright and hardworking. And he was devout, much like Selden had been when he was young. The religious life filled one’s heart, just as it filled the hours. One’s prayers throughout the day seemed to be like song.

Selden’s prayers were more habit now. They were comfortable, reliable. They were the fruit of his years of discipline and self-sacrifice, though he found the fruit insipid at times. Well, nothing is as enrapturing as it is when one is young, Selden reminded himself.

“Can you feel the nip in the air, Geoffrey?” Selden asked.

“I can.” And he made as to shiver. "I’ve never been so far north before, you know.”

Selden smiled. He knew.

The young man continued, “It has its own kind of beauty, doesn’t it? So much pine and open sky.”

“It’s a hard living in the north,” Selden said.

“I think the loneliness would be the hard part. What is Cald Mere? A village of six huts? Or is there more?”

“More, I’m told. I’ve never been. It’s on a lake, of course, and there is trapping. The boy we’re visiting... His father is a smith. And a cooper, too. People do all that they have to.”

“I would die of boredom.”

You, Geoffrey, would die of cold and starvation,” Selden teased. “You know nothing about woodcraft, do you? Could you lit a fire without a spell?”

“Without magic?” The boy seemed to ponder the question, but his silence was more for effect than hard thinking. He knew what he was. “It’s true. I’m helpless when it comes to the hard things. Without my spells I would be luggage, instead of your companion.”

“You were picked to be my companion because of your swordplay. Didn’t you know?”

“Well, that I can do.” The young man was even allowed to fence while at school, with one of the brothers who had been a man-at-arms before he took his vows.

“But whatever for?” Geoffrey asked. “Polar bears?”

“We’re not that far north.”

Selden was agitated. This stripling wasn’t really paying attention at all. “Boy, can’t you tell we’re being watched?”