Thursday, July 9, 2009

Large-Hearted Boy. Part Twelve.

Early last week, late this week. Please check tomorrow!


  1. I've been on holiday so there's no rush while I'm catching up. I must say I like the recent weeks' instalments - especially the scenes where Seldon is at work - the shift from his speculative state of mind in church to his familiarity and ease at the deathbed is quite believable.

    I also like the increase in detail expanding on the dialogue and bringing us more steadily into the landscape/scene. My boy and I were reading Earthsea while away and the comments like "At a man’s deathbed, all distinctions of rank disappear" capture LeGuin's sense of revelation, insight and brevity.

    keep em coming, sir

  2. Thanks, Gumbo. Now you're back from holiday, I'll try to get more writing done. (It's just that I'm pulled in so many directions lately.)
